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Origin of the Dreaming Swan

A graphic of a swan swimming in a body of water

In case you were wondering why my site is called the “Dreaming Swan,” there’s a story behind that… Shortly after I graduated from college, I read a book called Women Who Run With the Wolves by Clarissa Pinkola Estes, in which she uses archetypes from fairy tales and folk stories to illustrate issues that women face in the modern world. She re-told the "Ugly Duckling" story from the young swan's point of view, emphasizing how stressed out and hurt it felt every time someone rejected, ridiculed, and ultimately drove it away, over and over. At the time I read this, I was desperately trying to make myself fit somewhere in a job and work culture in which I could thrive and grow, but couldn't find the right place to make that connection. Based on my experiences, I deeply identified with the “ugly duckling” character. I realized I had gotten to the point where I was rejecting myself - my dreams, talents, and personality - in order to be accepted not just by a company that would employ me, but on a deeper level, society as well. More than a decade of trying this brought me only misery and isolation. Since then, I have come to believe that God does indeed have a place for this dreaming swan, and I trust He will lead me there in His perfect timing. The swan has become a symbol of hope for that future and my determination to fulfill God’s purpose.

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